Present suicideTALK
If you've completed an ASIST workshop or comparable suicide intervention training and you have prior experience delivering presentations or seminars, you can offer your own suicideTALK sessions. All you need to do is order the materials—including slides and participant materials—from LivingWorks:
Order by phone: (toll-free in North America) 1-888-733-5484 or toll 1-403-209-0242, or by emailing your request.
Kit Options (taxes extra)
- General retail: for those who have suicide prevention training outside of LivingWorks: $300
- For graduates of LivingWorks' ASIST workshop $250
- LivingWorks Trainers $75
You will be required to review and sign a non-transferable licence agreement.
You should not use this program unless you have received intervention skills training through a program like Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) or its equivalent. Persons at risk of suicide either in the session or among friends, family and loved ones may come forward or be recognized.
Conducting a suicideTALK session requires additional resources. You will need to arrange for other resources with first aid intervention skills to take responsibility for meeting needs of persons at risk who may be in attendance.
You need to have the confidence that comes from the training, even though you are not likely to be the primary helper. Nothing could send a more confusing message than a session leader who is frightened to talk about suicide in an intervention context where is is most important to do so directly and honestly.
suicideTALK is intended for anyone age 15 and up. A parent or guardian for anyone in attendance under the age of 15 must be present.