ASIST Training for Trainers (T4T)

With over 6,000 active trainers worldwide, ASIST is the world’s leading suicide intervention skills workshop.

The ASIST Training for Trainers (T4T) course trains people with existing teaching, presentation, or leadership experience to conduct the two-day ASIST workshop. With over 6,000 active trainers worldwide, ASIST is the world’s leading suicide intervention skills workshop. Studies have shown that it not only increases caregiver competence and knowledge, but also significantly improves outcomes when used to help people at risk. 

The five-day T4T course is the first step toward becoming a registered ASIST trainer and providing your own workshops. Attendees learn the content and process of ASIST and the skills needed to conduct it. The course and the ongoing support from LivingWorks provide a cost-effective way to develop life-assisting knowledge and skills in your community.

During the first two days of each T4T, candidates participate in ASIST, receiving first-hand workshop experience. The remaining days focus on preparing to ASIST, with a balance of challenge and support as well as ample opportunity for practice and participation. One training coach will be present for every five or six participants, and attending all five days is mandatory. In addition, it should be noted that it takes two trainers to present an ASIST workshop, so candidates should ensure that they will have a training partner to work with in their area or organization before getting involved. These partners could other participants in their T4Ts, existing ASIST trainers, or a combination of both.

The process of becoming a registered ASIST trainer is a significant commitment for participants (and their organisations, if applicable). However, as more than 6,000 ASIST trainers around the world can attest, the rewards are worth the effort.

Price on application.


Required Reading



Listen to our stories to hear how trainers have witnessed ASIST save and change lives, or click the FAQ questions at the right to learn more. Alternately, if you wish to develop large numbers of ASIST trainers in your area for training on a wide scale, consider hosting a local T4T.

T4T enrolment is open to anyone, and offers an opportunity to make a meaningful, long-term commitment to suicide prevention in a community or organisation. However, becoming a Registered Trainer involves a sizeable investment of time and resources. Those with prior experience providing training, education, or leadership will have an easier time learning to present the workshop. Knowledge of suicide and suicide prevention, a flexible and open attitude, and good interpersonal communications and helping skills are also important factors. Regardless of background, trainers need to be unusually talented, unusually persistent, or both.

After completing a T4T, attendees become Provisional Trainers with LivingWorks Education. Extensive review of the ASIST Trainer Manual will help round out the skills and knowledge necessary to present the workshop. A trainer’s first ASIST workshop should take place shortly after attending a T4T so that the experience and process are still fresh in mind. Note that it takes two trainers to present ASIST, and trainers will need to find a partner to do so—possibly even someone who attended the same T4T. By presenting three workshops within a year of attending their T4T, most Provisional Trainers become fully-fledged Registered Trainers with LivingWorks, though some require as many as five ASIST trainings to ensure that they have a chance to present and master all of the content.

Each ASIST trainer has a different set of circumstances. Some are professionals in the mental health, occupational safety, or suicide prevention fields, and their organisations allocate a portion of their time and resources to providing workshops. Other trainers deliver ASIST as a full-time career, providing consultancy and training to local agencies, corporations, and communities. Still others offer the training on a part-time basis even if their day-to-day work isn’t directly related to suicide prevention.

There is no one right way to integrate ASIST workshops into your life and career. While each trainer’s personal and professional circumstances are different, the goal of empowering people with life-saving intervention skills remains the same. Equally important is ensuring that you have the time and resources to commit to delivering ASIST effectively. This is particularly vital if you are part of an agency or organisation—everyone involved should be aware of the commitment, time, and resources necessary to become a trainer.

For more information about these requirements, download the Essential Information for ASIST Trainer Candidates PDF.

Each ASIST T4T follows the same standardized schedule.
•Days 1 and 2: Participation in the five sections of an ASIST workshop: Preparing, Connecting, Understanding, Assisting and Working Together
•Day 3 morning: Transition to the trainer role
•Day 3 afternoon or evening: Coaching sessions
•Day 4 morning: "Dress rehearsal" of day 1 of ASIST
•Day 4 afternoon or evening: Coaching sessions
•Day 5 morning: "Dress rehearsal" of day 2 of ASIST
•Day 5 afternoon: Practical implementation activity, review of T4T and learning goals.

For a more detailed look, you can download a printable schedule.

Upon completing a T4T and becoming a Provisional Trainer, everyone receives the following resources and can also order additional materials from LivingWorks:

  • ASIST Trainer Manual—the complete reference
  • Workshop slides—used in presenting the ASIST workshop
  • Award-winning audiovisuals—designed for and used exclusively with ASIST
  • Two wall posters
  • ASIST Trainer Implementation Guide—detailed information on getting started as a trainer
  • ASIST Organizer Guide—everything you need to know to organize an ASIST workshop

Provisional and Registered trainers have access to a wealth of information, technical, and marketing support from LivingWorks, including:

  • Access to other LivingWorks programs for a comprehensive suicide prevention initiative
  • Networking opportunities with other trainers and suicide prevention advocates
  • Support and consultation to improve training and workshop planning skills
  • Quality assurance and access to workshop participant feedback
  • Assistance with materials shipping and delivery
  • Updated information and community news
  • Marketing and advocacy support to increase enrolment and reach new audiences

For more information on how LivingWorks can provide assistance with any of the above, please email

Many co-trainer teams lead as many as 10 ASIST workshops per year and have done so for many years. With an average of 24 participants per workshop, a co-trainer team can provide suicide first aid training to as many as 240 caregivers every year.

ASIST-trained caregivers are the living, breathing part of suicide first aid. One study showed that on average, workshop participants carry out at least one suicide intervention within the first six months after attending ASIST, and that some participants—depending on their role and exposure to those in need—carried out more than 20. By providing proven, effective suicide intervention skills to their communities, trainers directly contribute to saving dozens or even hundreds of lives from suicide. Becoming a registered trainer is a powerful investment in supporting, building, and renewing the wellness of your community.

Additional Reading