Our Vision, Mission, Core Values & Beliefs

LivingWorks is a mission-driven organisation with an industry-leading approach to suicide prevention: we want to empower everyone to play a role. Guided by our values and our commitment to across-the-board quality, we're here to help keep communities everywhere safe from suicide.

Our vision and mission

Our vision is a world in which people with suicide thoughts or experiences are well supported to keep safe, access help, and find hope.

Our mission is to provide unique, quality training that empowers individuals, organizations, and communities to work together to keep people safe from suicide.

Our core beliefs

We acknowledge that the possibility of suicide is present in every community and culture.

We believe that people considering suicide can be supported to make life-saving choices.

We believe that these life-saving choices are facilitated when:

  • Suicide is addressed openly and directly;
  • Help is provided compassionately, competently, and collaboratively;
  • Helpers are responsive to each person’s needs, context, and culture;
  • People within a community or organization work together.

We know that people are more willing and able to provide this help if they are well prepared.

We believe individuals should prepare for their helping role by choosing a training program that will best support their needs.

We aspire to provide a consistent standard of training, while respecting and incorporating the diverse learnings and experiences of each participant.

We commit to continuous improvement—guided by quality, value, evidence and experience.

  • Quality is a dynamic process – we seek to demonstrate safety, fidelity, and authenticity.
  • Evaluation informs improvement – we aim to provide value to customers and communities.
  • Evidence is multifaceted – we encourage many approaches to measuring results.
  • Experience is personal – we respect, and learn from, diversity.

We believe that everyone has a role to play in preventing suicide.

We believe that sustained personal, social, and financial commitment to training and providing help will result in fewer suicides. 

Our approach to preventing suicide

We believe that when people with complementary, integrated skills come together, they achieve a greater impact than any of them could alone. That's why we focus on a community-wide, collaborative approach that empowers everyone to play a role.

From beginners to professionals, we offer programs for all skill levels in the belief that every person can learn to make a difference. When these participants come together to build safety networks in their communities, they create a powerful, life-saving transformation.