
With over 30 years as the world leader in suicide intervention training, LivingWorks Education has a long and storied history. Our history began in Canada in 1983 and has featured prominently in Australia since 1995.

With more nations and organizations becoming aware of the importance of suicide prevention efforts, LivingWorks’ Suicide Intervention Workshop (SIW) continued to expand around the world. In 1995, Lifeline Australia received Commonwealth funding for a three-year field trial, and the program was subsequently adopted nationwide under the auspices of Lifeline. Livingworks programs have subsequently featured in a range of national, state and territory initiatives throughout Australia and been adopted by many community organisations. A national network of over 250 trainers has continued to ensure a strong nationwide presence for LivingWorks programs in Australia.

In 1995, military services in Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom also began to adopt the workshop at this time.

To review the comprehensive history, please visit the North American site